If you have multiple credit cards linked to your Pactima account, designating a default card is crucial. The default credit card is the one Pactima will automatically use for billing transactions. Here's how to set or change your default credit card.
Steps to Set Your Default Credit Card:
Access Your Account Settings:
- Click on the 'Account' tab in the header to open your account overview.
Go to Billing Options:
- Within your account area, select the 'Billing' card to proceed to your billing management.
Open Payment Methods:
- Navigate to the 'Payment Methods' section within the billing page.
Select Your Preferred Card:
- You’ll see all the credit cards currently linked to your account.
- Identify the card you wish to set as the default for automatic billing.
Change Default Setting:
- Next to your chosen card, click on the three dots to open additional options.
- From the dropdown menu, select the 'Set as Default' option.
Confirm the Default Card:
- The system will then update your billing preferences, and the selected card will become your new default credit card.
Important Notes:
- The default card will be used for all automated billing cycles, so it’s important to ensure the chosen card has sufficient funds and is not close to expiry.
- You can change your default card at any time by following the same process with another card.
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