Generating a notary public exemplar is an essential step for notaries applying to certain states that require a demonstration of their signature and seal. This document showcases your ability to perform notarizations and is often requested by state authorities as part of the application or renewal process. In this article, we'll guide you through generating and downloading an exemplar using Pactima, a leading eSignature and eNotary platform.
Steps to Generate a Notary Public Exemplar:
- Access Your Account: Begin by clicking on the account tab located at the top right corner of the Pactima interface. This action will lead you to your personal account dashboard.
- Navigate to the Locker: Within your account dashboard, locate and click on the middle card titled "Locker". This section is designed to store and manage your notarial credentials securely.
- Select the Notary Exemplar Card: Within the Locker, you will find the "Notary Exemplar" card. Click on this card to proceed with creating your notary exemplar.
- Choose Your PKI Certificate: Once you're in the notary exemplar section, the first step is to select your PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) certificate. This digital certificate verifies your identity as a notary and is crucial for creating a secure and trusted exemplar.
- Select Your Notary Stamp and Signature: After choosing your PKI certificate, you will need to select the notary stamp and signature you wish to include in the exemplar. These elements are vital for authenticating your notarization process. If you haven't generated a certificate, stamp, or signature yet, you can manage and create them by clicking on the "Manage" button within each section.
- Generate the Exemplar: With your PKI certificate, stamp, and signature selected, click on the "Generate Exemplar" button. This process might take a minute to complete. Once generated, the exemplar will include your full name, commission number, county, and other relevant details specific to your notary public credentials.
- Review and Submit Your Exemplar: After generating your exemplar, review all the details to ensure accuracy. This document should reflect your state and commission details accurately. You can then download the exemplar and submit it to your Secretary of State for approval as part of your application or renewal process.
Important Note: It's essential to have completed your approval process as a public notary in your state before generating an exemplar. This ensures that the information on your exemplar is accurate and up-to-date.
If you encounter any issues during this process or have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Pactima support for assistance. Our team is here to help you navigate through generating your notary public exemplar smoothly and efficiently.
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