Effective communication is a cornerstone of any live event, and during a Pactima live ceremony, it isn’t any different. The chat feature provides a seamless way for participants to exchange messages in real-time, enhancing collaboration and understanding throughout the process. Here's how you can utilize the chat function to stay connected with everyone involved in the live ceremony.
Locate the chat feature:
As you find yourself in the midst of a live ceremony, look towards the left side of your screen. Here you'll find a series of menu options including 'Navigation', 'Participants', and importantly, 'Chat'.
Initiate a chat:
Upon clicking 'Chat', a chat window will appear. At the bottom of this window is an input field where you can compose your message. Whether you need to clarify a point, ask a quick question, or simply say hello, this feature keeps the conversation flowing without interrupting the ceremony’s progression.
Sending messages:
After typing your message, you have two options to send it. You can either press 'Enter' on your keyboard for a quick send-off or you can click on the arrow button situated to the right of the text input field. Either action will dispatch your message to the intended recipients.
Notification of new messages:
In the hustle and bustle of a signing ceremony, it’s easy to miss incoming texts. To ensure you're always aware, keep an eye on the 'Chat' icon. A red bubble will appear when there's an unread message waiting for your attention. This visual cue ensures you’re always in the loop and responsive to the other participants.
Engage when necessary:
While chat is an excellent tool for immediate communication, it’s important to use it judiciously to maintain the ceremony’s professional atmosphere. Reserve it for moments that require silent communication
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